Indian Hot Stories

The written word has a strong place in erotica, many women, in particular, have been dedicated readers and writers of this genre for years, bringing so much raw sex-induced fantasy into hot erotic stories of love and lust. Here you will find explicit adult stories written by independent, renowned erotic authors created with each of my films to coat the scene with erotic words and meaning giving more depth, understanding and intensity to all my sexy erotic porn. Full of quality creative content, they are so much more than just your expected porn stories, these beautifully written pieces are engaging and sexually arousing which you can enjoy reading before or after seeing one of my many films. Fusing erotic sex stories of lust and passion with graphic visual imagery engage the mind on a deeper sexual level, offering more personal indulgence. These erotic stories for women and couples cover so many different sexual tales, you will find a couples voyeurism story, erotic lovers husband and wife sex story, submissive female story, MMF erotic story, escort story, erotic fantasy, and amazing morning couples sex. There are erotica stories of hot lesbian love through to tales of kinky pleasure with a hotwife. I also feature some XXX stories on my online magazine too.

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